It’s All About the Flash (a Very Free Verse Poem)

It’s all about the flash,

the flash of the past,

the flash of what was

the flash of what could have been.

The flash of dreams coming true,

dreams that would make life better.

I know it.

I can feel it,

so I pray

and wait

and dream some more

for a better life.

Then I dream for better flashes,

flashes that tell me I am good.

flashes that tell me it will get better,

flashes that tell me people care,

flashes that tell me people love me,

flashes that tell me I will make it again because I did it before.

Then more flashes asking why,

and when will life get better,

flashes of other people’s lives

that seem so much better,

so much easier

than mine.

Then I just pray–

pray for acceptance of what is and what was.

Pray for peace

and patience

for my faith to become stronger.

I keep trying and fighting,

praying I will feel better soon

and then

I just pray.

Pray for happiness

and peace

to come


This is what recovery is





I keep typing until I feel better.

It hasn’t worked yet

but I will keep trying,



working through it.

Typing to feel,

to love

and live.

I will make it again.

I have made it before

and I will make it again.

Type, type, type

to feel real.

Type away my sadness.

Type, type, type.

The sadness is still here,

so I type.

I type some more

and pray for happiness and love

to fill my soul,

for loneliness to leave me.

I will make it.

Recovery is possible.


I am living proof.

I will never forget.

I am living proof.

So I keep living

and fighting



I am breathing.

I am a survivor.


to enjoy

the beauty

of living.

~Written by Susan Walz 

This is why I write and blog. Sometimes I know I need something, so I just type–to feel, to feel real. Thanks for reading. I hope you can relate to this.

Keep fighting, feeling and being.

Sometimes all we can do is “be.” Just “be.” Give yourself credit for accepting when you need to just “be.” Today is a day I just need to “be” so I am ‘being” for a little while until I can “be” more than I am now–until I  can feel more like me–the better me.

All of the “me’s” I have are okay

and all of the “you’s” you have are okay too.

Some days are like that. We need to give ourselves a day to just “be.

BE all that you can BE.

BE the best you

you can BE.

Much love and hugs, Sue

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